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Exilis Cost in Orange County

Exilis Cost in Orange County

Are you wondering  how much Exilis Cost in Orange County? Aura Way of Life Spa offers high quality treatments as well as competitive pricing. Pricing will depend on a client’s desired outcome and the number of treatment areas. Typically, clients will require 2-4 sessions spaced two weeks apart to get optimal results.

exilis treatment in orange county buttocks thighs

Exilis treatment of the buttocks and thighs.

Although you may see immediate results after your treatment session, you will continue to see improved results over the next few months following your last procedure. Exilis offers three main benefits, fat reduction, skin tightening and rejuvenation.

Why Exilis?

Over time, everyone will experience the inevitable signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and sagging skin. Maintaining a youthful and vibrant appearance is important, but many people cannot afford the downtime associated with traditional plastic surgery. Exilis is a new, FDA approved, non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for excess fat, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Exilis is a non-invasive, non-surgical device that uses radio frequency (RF) waves to heat tissue below the surface of the skin. The procedure uses safe radio waves to heat your skin and targeted fat cells. This speeds up the metabolic activity of the fat cells causing them to shrink. At the same time, it stimulates and strengthens the collagen network, improving skin laxity and texture.

Exilis is extremely safe and has almost no side effects. The most frequent areas treated with Exilis Therapy in men are the “love handles”, breasts, abdomen, face, jowls and neckline. In women they include: face, jowls, neck, décolletage, arms, “bra fat”, thighs, hips, breast, buttocks, stomach, and knees.

exilis cost in orange county jaw chin

Exilis treatment on jawline.

Who is a candidate for Exilis?

Exilis is recommended for any patient who would like cosmetic improvement for unwanted fat, cellulite, wrinkling and sagging skin. This treatment offers cosmetic improvement without surgery. Since Exilis is not a laser, there is no skin peeling, pigment change or prolonged healing associated with its use.

Visit Aura Way of Life Spa in Newport Beach, CA for the best Exilis Cost in Orange County.